Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen

Idan Cohen

Специалист по маркетинг
With over 7 years of experience in online marketing. He is the self-proclaimed master of all things PPC, and has a great passion for analytics and testing. Idan’s goal with Host Advice is to share his knowledge so that everyone, regardless of who they are or where they are, can benefit. It is through this website that he lives out his dream of teaching the world.

Idan is the co-founder of Host Advice, with over 7 years of experience in online marketing. He is the self-proclaimed master of all things PPC, and has a great passion for analytics and testing.

His true calling, and one of his main loves in life, is teaching.

He loves to help new people learn new things and his friendly and open approach makes him very popular with his students.

Idan’s goal with Host Advice is to share his knowledge so that everyone, regardless of who they are or where they are, can benefit. It is through this website that he lives out his dream of teaching the world.

Idan’s greatest attribute is his conversational, yet informative style, which is what makes him a good writer and a great teacher.

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Show more articles предлага професионални рецензии за доставчици на уеб хостинг, напълно самостоятелно и независимо от който и да е друг ресурс в индустрията. Нашите рецензии са безпристрастни, правдиви и ползват една и съща система на оценяване за всички рецензирани.

Въпреки че получаваме финансова компенсация от някои компании, които рецензираме, това не оказва влияние върху насоките или заключенията на нашите рецензии, нито повлиява по някакъв начин позиционирането на определени хостинг компании в нашите класации.
Тази компенсация покрива разходите за хонорари на авторите на рецензии, закупуване на акаунти и тестване.

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